Page title - Portierato fiduciario

Servizi - Sicurezza e Vigilanza

Portierato fiduciario

SOTTOSERVIZIO - Portierato fiduciario

Une erreur s'est produite lors du traitement du gabarit.
The following has evaluated to null or missing:
==> dict_downloadLabel  [in template "20101#20128#65016" at line 31, column 66]

Tip: If the failing expression is known to be legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (!myDefault, (

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: ${dict_downloadLabel}  [in template "20101#20128#65016" at line 31, column 64]
1<#assign dlFileEntry = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.document.library.kernel.service.DLFileEntryLocalService")> 
3<#if themeDisplay.getLanguageId() == "en_US"> 
4    <#assign dict_downloadLabel = "Download"> 
5    <#assign dict_targetLabel = "Main Objectives"> 
6<#elseif themeDisplay.getLanguageId() == "it_IT"> 
7    <#assign dict_downloadLabel = "Download"> 
8    <#assign dict_targetLabel = "Obiettivi Principali"> 
11<#list Allegato.getSiblings() as attachment> 
12    <#assign attachmentCheck = false > 
13    <#if attachment.getData() != ""> 
14        <#assign attachmentCheck = true > 
15    </#if> 
18<#list PuntoElenco.getSiblings() as listRow> 
19    <#assign listCheck = false > 
20    <#if listRow.getData() != ""> 
21        <#assign listCheck = true > 
22    </#if> 
25<div class="container multicontent"> 
26	<div class="column-1">${Testo.getData()}</div> 
27	<#if attachmentCheck || listCheck > 
28		<div class="column-2"> 
29	        <#if attachmentCheck > 
30				<div class="box"> 
31					<div class="box-label">${dict_downloadLabel}</div> 
32					<div class="box-list"> 
33	                    <#list Allegato.getSiblings() as attachment> 
34	                        <#list attachment.getData()?split("/") as x> 
35	                            <#if x?counter ==3> 
36	                                <#assign groupId = x?number> 
37	                            </#if> 
39	                            <#if x?counter ==6> 
40	                                <#assign uuId = x?keep_before("?")> 
41	                            </#if> 
42	                        </#list> 
44	                        <#if (uuId??) && (groupId??)> 
45	                            <#assign file = dlFileEntry.getFileEntryByUuidAndGroupId(uuId,groupId) > 
46	                            <#assign fileSizeBig = file.getSize() / 1000000 > 
47	                            <#list fileSizeBig?split(".") as x > 
48	                                <#if x?index == 0> 
49	                                    <#assign fileSize1 = x + '.' > 
50	                                <#else> 
51	                                    <#assign fileSize2 = x?substring(0, 2)> 
52	                                </#if> 
53	                            </#list> 
54	                            <#assign fileSize = fileSize1 + fileSize2 > 
55	                            <#assign originalFileFormat = file.getExtension() > 
57	                            <#switch originalFileFormat> 
58	                                <#case "pptx"> 
59	                                <#case "ppt"> 
60	                                    <#assign fileFormat = 'ppt'> 
61	                                    <#break> 
62	                                <#case "doc"> 
63	                                <#case "docx"> 
64	                                <#case "txt"> 
65	                                <#case "rtf"> 
66	                                    <#assign fileFormat = 'doc'> 
67	                                    <#break> 
68	                                <#case "xlsx"> 
69	                                <#case "xls"> 
70	                                    <#assign fileFormat = 'xls'> 
71	                                    <#break> 
72	                                <#case "pptx"> 
73	                                <#case "ppt"> 
74	                                    <#assign fileFormat = 'ppt'> 
75	                                    <#break> 
76	                                <#case "jpg"> 
77	                                <#case "jpeg"> 
78	                                <#case "tif"> 
79	                                <#case "tiff"> 
80	                                <#case "png"> 
81	                                <#case "gif"> 
82	                                <#case "bmp"> 
83	                                    <#assign fileFormat = 'img'> 
84	                                    <#break> 
85	                                <#case "mp4"> 
86	                                <#case "mpg"> 
87	                                <#case "mpeg"> 
88	                                <#case "mov"> 
89	                                <#case "ogg"> 
90	                                <#case "ogv"> 
91	                                    <#assign fileFormat = 'video'> 
92	                                    <#break> 
93	                                <#case "mp3"> 
94	                                <#case "aac"> 
95	                                <#case "wav"> 
96	                                <#case "aif"> 
97	                                    <#assign fileFormat = 'audio'> 
98	                                    <#break> 
99	                                <#case "pdf"> 
100	                                    <#assign fileFormat = 'pdf'> 
101	                                    <#break> 
102	                                <#case "zip"> 
103	                                <#case "rar"> 
104	                                <#case "gzip"> 
105	                                <#case "7zip"> 
106	                                    <#assign fileFormat = 'zip'> 
107	                                    <#break> 
108	                                <#default> 
109	                                    <#assign fileFormat = 'code'> 
110	                            </#switch> 
112	                            <#if fileFormat == 'pptx'> 
113	                                <#assign fileFormat = 'ppt'> 
114	                            </#if> 
116	                            <#if fileFormat == 'docx'> 
117	                                <#assign fileFormat = 'doc'> 
118	                            </#if> 
119	                        </#if> 
120							<a class="box-attachment" href="${attachment.getData()}"> 
121								<#if fileFormat?has_content> 
122									<div class="file-icon icn-${fileFormat}"></div> 
123								</#if> 
124								<#if attachment.NomeDocumento?has_content> 
125									<div class="name">${attachment.NomeDocumento.getData()}</div> 
126								</#if> 
127								<#if originalFileFormat?has_content> 
128									<div class="format">${originalFileFormat}</div> 
129								</#if> 
130								<#if fileSize?has_content> 
131									<div class="size">${fileSize} Mb</div> 
132								</#if> 
133							</a> 
134	                    </#list> 
135					</div> 
136				</div> 
137	        </#if> 
138	        <#if listCheck > 
139				<div class="box"> 
140					<div class="box-label">${dict_targetLabel}</div> 
141					<div class="box-list"> 
142		                <#list PuntoElenco.getSiblings() as listRow> 
143							<div class="box-dot"> 
144								<div class="adc-icn-arrow-brand"></div> 
145								<div class="text">${listRow.getData()}</div> 
146							</div> 
147		                </#list> 
148					</div> 
149				</div> 
150	        </#if> 
151		</div> 
152	</#if> 