Page Title - Impegno Sociale


Social Responsibility

Per la salute e la previdenza - Basic Text


Members and employees are guaranteed supplementary healthcare services in relation to the specific healthcare plan of the category fund to which they belong.
All members also maintain active membership of Mutua Nuova Sanità to enjoy additional services compared to the category funds, such as the total reimbursement of co-payments, including laboratory tests, with the possibility of enrolling family members.

Working members and employees can join Previdenza Cooperativa, the Fondo Pensione Negoziale (negotiated pension fund) for workers, members and employees of cooperative enterprises and employees working in hydraulic-forestry and hydraulic-agricultural works. The purpose of Previdenza Cooperativa is to enable members to build up a supplementary pension. I

n January 2018, the Coopservice Mutual New Health section set up the Solidarity Fund reserved for Members and their families. The fund is operational to offer an economic contribution in the event of extraordinary needs, such as: serious illness of the Member or a family member; expenses for family bereavement; medical expenses of the Member or one of the family members not covered by the health funds; accommodation expenses for assistance to a family member who is hospitalised at a distance; contribution to the purchase of medical aids.