Page Title - Sistemi di Gestione


Management Systems



Quality, Environment, Energy, Health and Safety, Social Responsibility, Anti-Corruption and Bribery

Coopservice, which has always been committed to improving the quality of its services and meeting the expectations of its customers, in recent years has equipped itself with an integrated corporate management system for Quality, Environment, Energy, Health and Safety, Social Responsibility and the Prevention of Bribery, with the aim of defining and implementing prevention and improvement policies in the field of:

  • quality of services and customer satisfaction;
  • containment of environmental impacts associated with operational processes;
  • fight against all forms of bribery and anti-competitive behaviour in the performance of its activities respect for human rights and labour laws;
  • protection of people's health and safety.

Coopservice promotes cultural growth for the protection of the environment, for the protection of the health and safety of workers, and for a development that is sustainable for future generations in compliance with the principles of legality and the prevention of bribery in all its forms. Coopservice expresses its commitment to improving its Policy and Charter of Values.

Coopservice also confirms the certification of its organisational model for safety in compliance with the provisions of Article 51, paragraph 3-bis (pursuant to Legislative Decree 81/08 supplemented by Legislative Decree 106/09 and smi). The positive verification, by the Joint Body, of the compliance of the Coopservice model attests that the model is adopted and effectively implemented. Obtaining the Asseveration means certifying that the model is suitable to have exemption from the administrative liability of legal persons (Legislative Decree no. 231/01) with reference, clearly, to offences in the field of health and safety at work, with all the advantages that this entails. The Asseveration is also included in the tender specifications, both public and private, allowing the acquisition of additional scores. The Asseveration is therefore above any other type of certification, allowing the company to obtain maximum reward from INAIL.

LA CARTA DEI VALORI - basic text


Coopservice is a company made up of people working towards building a wealth of values, insights and resources that even future generation will be able to rely upon. We want our business to grow while promoting socially responsible behaviour within and outside our Company, respecting all individuals and protecting the interests of the general public without distinctions of wealth, origin, gender and religion, protecting the environment and complying with applicable laws and regulations in general, as well as with workplace safety regulations in particular.

The tool that we have decided to use to stimulate our growth is extending our quality and environmental management system to our workplace health and safety and social responsibility systems in order to be able to continue our constant improvement journey.
With its Charter of Values, Coopservice declares its commitment to observing the requirements of the SA8000 international standard for social responsibility.

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politica - basic text


Coopservice wants to be a leader in the world of integrated services.

Coopservice is a company of people who believe in the following values: Teamwork, Consistency, Transparency, Innovation, Legality.

Teamwork: we work together to achieve common and shared objectives.
Consistency: we act in strict accordance with the values in which we believe.
Transparency: we behave clearly and fairly.
Innovation: we are constantly working to develop new solutions.
Compliance: we defend and promote ethical behaviour.

Coopservice Management is committed to:

  • respect and enforce compliance with the legislative and regulatory requirements in force in the areas of procurement, environment, energy, health and safety, labour, prevention and fight against corruption, being aware that any non-compliance with the mandatory requirements and this Policy may have serious and important consequences for individuals and society;
  • disseminate the contents of its procedures, the Code of Ethics, the Organisational, Management and Control Model pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001, the Anti-Corruption and Antitrust Guidelines;
  • oppose any form of anti-competitive behaviour in the performance of its activities, in the awareness that the ability to carry out its business in compliance with laws and regulations and with the principles of free competition represents one of the key factors in the reputation of Coopservice;
  • prevent accidents at work, professional illnesses, pollution of the environment and waste of energy resources
  • maintain the authority and independence of the compliance function for the prevention of corruption and antitrust offences  
  • pursue the continuous improvement of the management system and of the company's performance concerning the quality of service and customer satisfaction, environmental impacts, energy efficiency, social responsibility, prevention of corruption and in particular:
  1. leveraging the values of the cooperative and strengthening the relationship with members;
  2. enhance people's professional skills and promote company welfare initiatives consistent with their needs;
  3. consult and involve workers, also through their representatives, in decisions concerning health and safety;
  4. establishing, allocating appropriate resources to, reviewing and achieving quality, environmental and energy, health and safety and corruption prevention objectives;
  5. encourage staff reports of suspected corruption and distortion of competition, without fear of retaliation;
  6. seek innovative service solutions with a low environmental and energy impact;
  7. pursue the effectiveness and efficiency of processes;
  8. support growth by developing new services and new markets.

politica - download

An error occurred while processing the template.
The following has evaluated to null or missing:
==> fileFormat  [in template "20101#20128#41986" at line 100, column 49]

Tip: If the failing expression is known to be legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (!myDefault, (

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: ${fileFormat}  [in template "20101#20128#41986" at line 100, column 47]
1<#assign dlFileEntry = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.document.library.kernel.service.DLFileEntryLocalService")> 
3<#if NomeAllegato?? && NomeAllegato.getSiblings()?has_content> 
4    <div class="attachment-container container"> 
5        <#if Titolo.getData() != ""> 
6            <h3 class="title">${Titolo.getData()}</h3> 
7        </#if> 
9        <#list NomeAllegato.getSiblings() as attachment> 
10            <#if attachment.getData() != ""> 
12                <#list attachment.Allegato.getData()?split("/") as x> 
13                    <#if x?counter ==3> 
14                        <#assign groupId = x?number> 
15                    </#if> 
17                    <#if x?counter ==6> 
18                        <#assign uuId = x?keep_before("?")> 
19                    </#if> 
20                </#list> 
22                <#if (uuId??) && (groupId??)> 
23                    <#assign file = dlFileEntry.getFileEntryByUuidAndGroupId(uuId,groupId) > 
24                    <#assign fileSizeBig = file.getSize() / 1000000 > 
25                    <#list fileSizeBig?split(".") as x > 
26                        <#if x?index == 0> 
27                            <#assign fileSize1 = x + '.' > 
28                        <#else> 
29                            <#assign fileSize2 = x?substring(0, 2)> 
30                        </#if> 
31                    </#list> 
32                    <#assign fileSize = fileSize1 + fileSize2 > 
33                    <#assign originalFileFormat = file.getExtension() > 
35                    <#switch originalFileFormat> 
36                        <#case "pptx"> 
37                        <#case "ppt"> 
38                            <#assign fileFormat = 'ppt'> 
39                            <#break> 
40                        <#case "doc"> 
41                        <#case "docx"> 
42                        <#case "txt"> 
43                        <#case "rtf"> 
44                            <#assign fileFormat = 'doc'> 
45                            <#break> 
46                        <#case "xlsx"> 
47                        <#case "xls"> 
48                            <#assign fileFormat = 'xls'> 
49                            <#break> 
50                        <#case "pptx"> 
51                        <#case "ppt"> 
52                            <#assign fileFormat = 'ppt'> 
53                            <#break> 
54                        <#case "jpg"> 
55                        <#case "jpeg"> 
56                        <#case "tif"> 
57                        <#case "tiff"> 
58                        <#case "png"> 
59                        <#case "gif"> 
60                        <#case "bmp"> 
61                            <#assign fileFormat = 'img'> 
62                            <#break> 
63                        <#case "mp4"> 
64                        <#case "mpg"> 
65                        <#case "mpeg"> 
66                        <#case "mov"> 
67                        <#case "ogg"> 
68                        <#case "ogv"> 
69                            <#assign fileFormat = 'video'> 
70                            <#break> 
71                        <#case "mp3"> 
72                        <#case "aac"> 
73                        <#case "wav"> 
74                        <#case "aif"> 
75                            <#assign fileFormat = 'audio'> 
76                            <#break> 
77                        <#case "pdf"> 
78                            <#assign fileFormat = 'pdf'> 
79                            <#break> 
80                        <#case "zip"> 
81                        <#case "rar"> 
82                        <#case "gzip"> 
83                        <#case "7zip"> 
84                            <#assign fileFormat = 'zip'> 
85                            <#break> 
86                        <#default> 
87                            <#assign fileFormat = 'code'> 
88                    </#switch> 
90                    <#if fileFormat == 'pptx'> 
91                        <#assign fileFormat = 'ppt'> 
92                    </#if> 
94                    <#if fileFormat == 'docx'> 
95                        <#assign fileFormat = 'doc'> 
96                    </#if> 
97                </#if> 
99                <a class="single-attachment" href="${attachment.Allegato.getData()}"> 
100                    <div class="file-icon icn-${fileFormat}"></div> 
101                    <div class="name">${attachment.getData()}</div> 
102                    <div class="format">${originalFileFormat}</div> 
103                    <div class="size">${fileSize} Mb</div> 
104                </a> 
106            </#if> 
107        </#list> 
108    </div> 