Smart City

Public Administration
Retail and Large Scale Distribution
Professional Firms
Banks and Insurance Company
Cultural Sites
Smart City
Healthcare Cleaning
Professional Cleaning
Security Services
Logistics and Moving services
Energy e Facility Management

Hygiene and sanitisation services are crucial to all healthcare facilities and must guarantee cleanliness while protecting the health of staff, patients and visitors.
It is for this purpose that we have developed highly efficient tools, methods and techniques to clean and sanitise all types of rooms and have invested heavily in the training and safety of our workers.

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Public administrations and authorities safeguard the interests of specific communities. Therefore, when they outsource their essential services, it is imperative that their stakeholders can see that optimal parameters of effectiveness, efficiency and affordability have been achieved by these external partners.

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We provide services to many industrial sectors including agro-food, textile, manufacturing, mechanics, chemical and pharmaceutical. Each company has its own specific requirements and this calls for non-standard designing that offers performance calibrated to real needs.

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The transport sector is characterised by a high flow of people, strict timetables to be respected, high expectations from users, and enormous vehicle and space requirements. Our integrated services are designed to maximise reliability and flexibility, while offering an effective balance between quality, efficiency and cost.

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The retail and large-scale distribution markets are under pressure from intense competition and growing client expectations. Retaining customer loyalty comes from clever marketing strategies and brand promotion, which must also be supported by external partners who manage non-core services to ensure that performance meets these high expectations.

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Business consulting companies must have an impeccable reputation, this includes a good image based on the organisation, cleanliness, efficiency and comfort of their offices and locations. Outsourcing all facility services to a flexible, reliable single provider is a crucial factor that allows firms to focus entirely on their core business and not waste energy.

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Considering the nature of their work, credit institutes, financial firms and insurance companies all need highly specialised services provided with strict monitoring and security procedures due to the presence of cash and valuables in their offices, as well as the delicate and private aspect of the information and documents they manage. These clients must rigorously assess the reliability of potential service providers based on their experience, skills and professionalism. We offer banks all the security services they need including staffed security stations, robbery prevention, transport of valuables, ATM management, and cash deposit and counting in our vaults.

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Museums, art galleries, theatres, libraries, parks, zoos, nature reserves and botanical gardens are all attractions that both promote Italy's cultural and environmental heritage and provide knowledge, experience and practices that teach proper, respectful behaviour. They are places where users have engaging, immersive experiences and, therefore, where proper levels of hygiene, cleanliness and comfort are required. We provide this by designing innovative lighting solutions and efficient energy and climate control systems that respect, protect and highlight the exhibitions while creating the perfect environment for a pleasant experience.

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Our decades of experience in providing facility services to public and private companies has allowed us to develop a range of services especially for individuals, households and micro-businesses. For the security of homes and small businesses, we have designed solutions that blend the efficiency of latest-generation, anti-intrusion systems with the professionalism that only a security institute can guarantee. All home security systems are connected to our security operations centres, which operate 24 hours a day. When an alarm goes off, we immediately send out our highly trained armed security guards to deal with the situation.

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A smart city knows how to manage resources, aims to become economically sustainable and energy self-sufficient, knows how to keep pace with innovations and the digital revolution, is mindful of the quality of life of its citizens. To meet this challenge, the relationship between the public and private sectors and the involvement of socio-economic stakeholders are fundamental, called upon to promote projects of environmental sustainability and integrated use of technologies to raise the level of services of public interest.
The main fields of application are mobility and transport, environmental sustainability, ecology of lifestyles, safety, efficiency and innovation and concern sectors such as schools, tourism, government institutions, health, infrastructure. Integrated service management is crucial to ensure the proper functioning of infrastructure, improve its usability, develop its potential and maintain high levels of efficiency and quality of services.

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Coopservice provides professional sanitisation and cleaning services to hospitals, healthcare providers, nursing and retirement homes. In healthcare facilities, cleaning is a critical element to protect health. That is why one should rely on the expertise of a reputable provider.

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Coopservice is working every day to provide its customers with excellent cleaning and to develop tailor-made solutions that guarantee the quality level required. It employs qualified personnel, proven procedures and technologies providing the kind of cleaning requested, while always acting in full respect of the environment. Coopservice provides cleaning services for production facilities, including the food sector, where it monitors the residual bacterial load in manufacturing lines and the hygiene conditions of surfaces and equipment with the use of sophisticated detection systems.

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In its over 40 years of experience in the security sector, Coopservice has created a complete range of security services meeting its customers’ diverse needs to protect their assets and business from intrusions, theft, robbery, fire and technical system failures. To avoid and prevent the threats posed by increasingly insidious criminals, Coopservice uses the most advanced technologies and employs qualified, motivated personnel that have been carefully recruited and are involved in continuous training activities.

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Coopservice provides residential, commercial and industrial moving services and is responsible for the other activities involved, such as furniture disassembly and reassembly, goods handling and warehousing, document archiving, design and management of healthcare logistics services. Within the healthcare sector, we want to be leaders in the management and distribution of pharmaceuticals, medical/surgical devices and materials, medical and administrative documentation handling, archiving and management, hospital facility moving, logistics optimisation design and consulting.

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By providing its proven team of professionals, Coopservice offers design and management solutions for Global Service and Facility Management, ordinary and extraordinary maintenance of buildings, technical management of technological and thermal systems, energy efficiency, optimization of public lighting performance, identification of the best solutions and management of fire prevention requirements.

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La violenza di genere è un problema culturale. Il ruolo cruciale dell’educazione e della sensibilizzazione anche nel contesto aziendale
La violenza di genere è un problema culturale. Il ruolo cruciale dell’educazione e della sensibilizzazione anche nel contesto aziendale
Un webinar con ActionAid ha fatto da corollario alla campagna contro la violenza sulle donne promossa da Coopservice
Rivolto ai dipendenti del Gruppo Coopservice, il webinar organizzato in collaborazione con la Ong Action Aid ha registrato la partecipazione di oltre 400 persone collegate in diretta dalle diverse sedi aziendali. L'incontro online ha costituito l'occasione per approfondire il tema della violenza maschile sulle donne, sfatando le tante false credenze sull'argomento e cercando di comprendere quali ne siano le cause insieme alle possibili contromisure che ciascuno può mettere in atto per prevenirla e contrastarla.
La vertigine tecnologica che attende l’edizione 2024 di Interclean
La vertigine tecnologica che attende l’edizione 2024 di Interclean
Dal 14 al 17 maggio prossimi ad Amsterdam si svolgerà la principale fiera mondiale della pulizia e dell’igiene
In previsione dell'apertura della più importante fiera commerciale nel settore della pulizia e dell’igiene che si tiene ad Amsterdam ogni due anni, gli organizzatori hanno anticipato le principali innovazioni e i trend che caratterizzeranno l’edizione 2024. Si tratta di tendenze fortemente determinate dal ruolo di driver che il progresso tecnologico sta assumendo anche nell’ambito del cleaning professionale, con innovazioni a getto continuo e crescente ricorso alle risorse dell’Internet of Things (IoT), oltre che alle nuove frontiere dell’ intelligenza artificiale (AI), della realtà aumentata (AR) e della realtà virtuale (VR).
Coopservice ha conseguito l’attestazione ISO 56002  sulla gestione dell’innovazione
Coopservice ha conseguito l’attestazione ISO 56002 sulla gestione dell’innovazione
L’importante riconoscimento ha una validità triennale con monitoraggio annuale
Coopservice Soc.Coop.p.A e Istituto di Vigilanza Coopservice S.p.A. hanno ricevuto da Bureau Veritas l’attestazione di conformità del sistema di gestione per l’innovazione secondo quanto previsto dalla norma ISO 56002:2021. In particolare, il campo di applicazione della certificazione conseguita riguarda la gestione dell'innovazione nell’offerta di servizi e nell'efficientamento dei processi interni ed operativi, con specifico riferimento ai servizi di cleaning, handling & moving, facility, energy, technical e security, nonché nell’ambito della progettazione di immobili e della sostenibilità.