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The Integrated Report is a new approach to corporate reporting that integrates financial and economic information from the financial statements, the strategic outlook, and social and environmental performance into a single document.

It is a clear, comprehensive, concise and comparable tool that addresses all stakeholders and provides a holistic view of the company's ability to create value in the short, medium and long term in a sustainable and responsible manner.

By choosing the Integrated Report, Coopservice intends to:

  • Witness its commitment to sustainability, a key factor in its strategic vision;
  • Demonstrate the value of corporate social responsibility;
  • Improve communication and involvement of all stakeholders;
  • Describe the deep relationship between financial and non-financial indicators and the ability to create value over time;
  • Consolidate trust.

The Integrated Report 2022 complies with the "Global Reporting Initiative Sustainability Reporting Standards" defined by the GRI - Global Reporting Initiative as attested by the Limited Assurance issued by the auditing firm Deloitte & Touche.

In parallel with the drafting of the GRI version, the preparation of the Integrated Report 2022 was started based on the new European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS), published in draft in November 2022 and then later in final version on July 31, 2023. 

The European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) are the standards that companies subject to the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) will be obliged to use to report their sustainability disclosures, with the specific aim of addressing and "measuring" environmental, social and governance issues, as well as more appropriately assessing measures and actions to combat climate change, protect biodiversity and ensure respect for human rights.
Coopservice has embarked on this path voluntarily and in advance (with respect to the deadline defined by the European Commission, which for Coopservice corresponds to the financial year 2025) with the aim of understanding how the new CSRD requirements affect the corporate sustainability reporting process and implementing in time all the necessary actions to collect data and information on performance, useful for the creation of the report according to the new standards.
The result is a document that combines the concepts of conciseness, clarity and connectivity of information, characteristic of Integrated Reporting, with the completeness and analytical function of ESRS standards to present stakeholders with a fair and transparent representation of Coopservice's performance, its commitment to sustainability and its ability to create value over time.

The Integrated Report 2022 can be downloaded in the GRI version (with Limited Assurance) and the ESRS version.



Coopservice Group Corporate Profile - Updated January 2024

The brochure presents the corporate structure and data on the latest approved financial statements, service offerings, and elements of excellence in the Coopservice identity.


servizi di pulizia - basic text


Coopservice works every day to provide its customers with an excellent and professional cleaning, hygiene and sanitisation service in the industrial, civil and health sectors.

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Coopservice has developed a wide-ranging and integrated offer of specialised logistics services to meet the needs of companies wishing to outsource the transport, management and handling of goods. We operate in the following sectors: industrial and textile, laundry and hospital, mmovings and handling, healthcare logistics, special waste transport, archives and works of art.